adaptive streaming analytics need both data fidelity and data freshness
TCP ensures data fidelity but not data freshness
UDP ensures data freshness but not data fidelity
Manual policies are sub-optimal, cannot generalize
So solve the problem in SYSTEM-level
- Abstraction
- Learn policy other than use manual one
- Runtime system
- 40x faster than TCP
- 45% imporvment than UDP
- Better than JetStream
Use public Internet reduce cost but show congestions
Real-time monitoring is very high-demending
WAN resources' scarcity
Awstream design
Adaptation as first-class abstraction
Automatic Profiling
c = [k_1,k_2,\dots,k_n]
Calculate B(c_i)[bandwidth requirement for c] and A(c_i)[accuracy measure for c]
Find Pareto-optimal set P, where
P = \{c \in C:{c'\in C:B(c')<B(c),A(c')>A(c)} = \varnothing\}
using offline profiling or online profiling
Runtime Adaptation
Resource Allocation & Fairness
max the mininal acc in all applications(木桶原理)
large bandwidth variation
single knob(one dimension) leads to sub-optimal results
Runtime adaptation
use Linux tc
(use man tc
) to control the clients’ outgoing bandwidth
Background Limitation is 25Mbps
t < 200s no shaping
200s <= t <= 380s limit to 7.5Mbps
380s < t <= 440s limit to 5Mbps
Discussion and future work
reduce dev effort
fault tolerance and recovery
profile modeling
bandwidth modeling and prediction
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